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Get Active for a Good Cause at the Run! Geek! Run! 5K on September 25th - The Kingsley Blog

Get Active for a Good Cause at the Run! Geek! Run! 5K on September 25th

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Every year, the community of Alexandria comes together to exercise for a good cause. The annual Run! Geek! Run! 5K is always hosted by small businesses in the name of helping a local charity. For 2022, the beneficiary is SCAN of Northern Virginia. The organization is working to end child abuse and neglect in our region.

Contribute to that worthy goal by signing up for the 5K race ($35), which is slated to take place on September 25th at 8:30 a.m. The starting line is at 1005 Mount Vernon Ave. Set out from the starting line with fellow walkers and runners along a flat, USATF-certified course that’s accessible for athletes of all ability levels. The looping course will bring you back to the starting line once you finish the 3.2-mile race. Get your friends in on the fun, too, by signing up with a race team! Invite as many friends or coworkers as you want, and maybe even set a fundraising goal to benefit SCAN beyond your registration fees.

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